He said during his guesting on MBC Golden Fishery Radio Star yesterday, December 2, Yoon Jong Shin asked if the rumor was true?
“There was talk that HyunJoong “robbed” Hero JaeJoong from you, the 2 of you were close before.”Young Saeng:
“We were close when we were SM trainees.”He added,
“I introduced Hero JaeJoong to Kim HyunJoong, but after that he was more close to JaeJoong than me.”Continue,
“We were all close and I introduced him to KyuJong and HyunJoong. But he was closer to him than me.”after giving out a sigh, everyone in the studio burst into laughter.
**This is quite a trivia for me cause I didn't know that Young Saeng also trained in SM Entertainment.
Source Sookyeong
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