Odd CL story! CL likes to read~ And like last night she was reading in her room but if she has a bright the members can't sleep. On the bottom bunk, she put a mini light so she can read... but!!! Dundun...

But CL is already sleeping.. The light was on all night making it feel hot... This morning it's really dry, and the bed cover? There are some hole in it bbyong bbyong... The burning smell shyong shyong~! Ah! Don't worry! There's no fire. And Dara's nagging voice tells CL to get up and eat with the rest of the members. She can't eat with us!!!? It's pretty cute!?
It's TamTam's friends!^^ These are TamTam puppets I received as present from Bom and Minji. As soon as Bom saw the pink one, she said, "My choongchoongee!!!" and Minji said, "moongmoongee!". Ah, I laughed so hard when Bom's name made sense!
**This was quite funny, Dara being an unnie nagged CL because she got almost burned and in the end she still finds it cute because she know that CL was guilty. ^^
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