Perhaps the most obvious benefit of vegetarian eating is the reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Vegetarians tend to have lower levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), reduced clotting factors, lower blood pressure and a lower incidence of diabetes. These reduced risks are because vegetarian diets usually have:
Lower saturated fat content
Higher fibre content
Lower salt content
Larger amounts of fruit and vegetables, so more antioxidant vitamins
More complex carbohydrates and fewer simple sugars
These benefits are slightly less pronounced in vegetarian diets that incorporate large amounts of dairy products such as hard cheeses, eggs and cream. However, inclusion of some dairy produce does reduce the likelihood of some of the nutritional deficiencies that can be associated with a vegan diet.
Cancer risk may also lower with a vegetarian diet, particularly cancer of the colon. There is also some evidence that vegetarian diets (or diets with only a small meat content) may reduce the risk of cancer of the breast, pancreas, prostate and kidney.
Bad points
A carefully planned and varied vegetarian diet can provide all the necessary nutrients, but this can take time and effort to achieve, so many vegetarians are at risk of some nutritional deficiencies. The situation isn't helped by the relatively narrow range of vegetarian foods offered in pubs, restaurants and cafés. Vegetarians who want to eat out with omnivorous friends on a regular basis have difficulty getting a balanced diet. The most common nutritional problems include:
Iron deficiency
Meat is an important iron source, so vegetarians must be careful to include good iron sources such as eggs, leafy green vegetables, dried fruit, fortified cereals, peas, beans, nuts and pulses. Iron from vegetable sources is less easily absorbed than from meat sources, but the absorption is improved by vitamin C, so a good vitamin C source such as fruit or fruit juice should be included with every meal. Iron absorption is reduced by tannins in tea and coffee, so these, ideally, shouldn't be drunk with a meal.
Vitamin B12 deficiency and calcium deficiency
These are only usually a problem if dairy products are not included in the diet. Although meat is a good source of B12, sufficient quantities can be found in eggs, cheese, milk and yoghurts. Yeast products such as Marmite are also a good source. Non-dairy sources of calcium include sesame and sunflower seeds, and pulses such as peas, beans and lentils.
Vitamin D deficiency
Fish and fish oils are the best dietary source of vitamin D, but eggs and milk products provide some. In the UK, margarines are reinforced with vitamin D, as are some cereals. The main source of vitamin D is through the action of sunlight on the skin, so dietary sources are less important for many vegetarians, but can still be important for those who get little sun exposure, or for children, whose bones are growing.
Amino-acid balance and protein content
Body proteins are made from amino acids, many of which are derived from dietary proteins. Animal proteins are the most easily accessible form of protein, and contain a wide range of amino acids. Although dairy products provide a good protein source for most vegetarians, it is important to have protein from other sources also. Vegans are at the highest risk of protein deficiency, as vegetable proteins are often low in certain essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. Regular inclusion of rice, nuts, seeds and grains is important to ensure a good amino-acid balance.
Minerals Vegetarians have often been found to have lower blood levels of some minerals such as copper, zinc and selenium. Crops grown with artificial fertiliser are particularly low in minerals. It may be sensible for vegetarians to take a multimineral supplement.
Source: Dr. Chris Brown
Handbag.com/Diet & Well-Being
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