The song, which has a really addictive beat that can't be explained in words, gets topped off with vocals like JongHyun and Onew's, and also by the fact that the song is referred to SHINee's fans as their "Juliettes"~
In the song, the line "I'll devote my soul to you" shows that all their songs are sung from the boy's soul, to their "Juliettes". This "song for my Juliette", as Key said in the beginning, basically shows that the link between SHINee and their fans are like the ever-romantic story of "Romeo and Juliet". Somehow, the line "please, accept me" makes me think of the part where Juliet is up on the balcony and Romeo is on the lawn (at least, i think it's one of the lines).
Each song in the album tells one chapter of the whole album's story. Except that in Shakespeares' Romeo and Juliet, Romeo died while their album's last track (Boy Meets Girl) the couple had a sad and disappointing break-up. - 'Just don't break your Juliettes (fans) hearts.'
Our Romeo's have comeback with a serenade for their Juliettes!~
A MV Review by Soomin
credits to wondersmurf to the video
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