Techie with a bling!

The alliance of Philips and Swarovski will develop exciting market opportunities for each company by integrating high fashion and technology.
Just take a look and be excited as I do...

glitz & glam
The alliance of Philips and Swarovski will develop exciting market opportunities for each company by integrating high fashion and technology.
Just take a look and be excited as I do...
Laurent who died of brain cancer in June 2008, earned $350 million in the past year. Much of his estate was auctioned off at Christie's in February.
Here are those who made it to the list:
2. Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein with combined earnings of $235 million;
3. Michael Jackson with $90 million,
4. Elvis Presley with $55 million; and
5. J.R.R. Tolkien with $50 million.
6. Charles Schulz
7. John Lennon,
8. Theodor Geisel,
9. Albert Einstein, and
10. Michael Crichton
Japanese are known for their cleanliness. As early as 8th century AD, Japanese population was divided into two groups according to Shinto concepts of purity. Shintoism was basically a primitive folk religion and Shinto concepts equated goodness and godliness with purity and cleanliness. Shinto held that impurities could cling to people, making them evil or sinful.When I first met my Japanese sister-in-law almost 10 years ago, I was so delighted to get to know her even though I don't have a Japanese-English dictionary in my bag. Until now I still don't know how I could speak with her when my brother is not around, the least I can do is make her feel that she's welcome to our family and I am happy that they gave us our sweet little monster nephew.
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